Customers can order more than they have in stock on shopify.

In some cases, you may be able to order more than you have in stock on shopify. In that case, the stock will be shown as negative in red letters.

Here are some of the causes and solutions to why this happens.


The reason is that the purchaser is using an external payment service.

The reason is that the purchaser is using an external payment service.

Shopify’s external payment service is a payment service other than shopify payments (when you redirect the payment).

If you use an external payment service, the page transition will be

Shopify checkout page → External payment service → Shopify completion page (inventory will be reduced)

and includes a redirect.

At the time you return to the Shopify completion page from an external payment service, other buyers may complete their purchases.

In this case, even though the inventory is 1, multiple orders can be placed.


There is no fundamental solution to this problem.

  • Notes.
  • Shorten the expiration date of external payment services.

and then take action!

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